Weekend Updates

Hmm… delayed release. Plenty of reasons.

  1. Still not well. And now my left eye is showing irritation.
  2. New template for releases. I’ll be using this from now on. It’s not that easy to post an update when you have to retype e.v.e.r.y.t.i.m.e. It was good at the start, but a hassle lately when you have literally close to a hundred titles to type every post.
  3. Sigil, my main epub editor crashed when accessing preferences. So i had to reinstall. Then applied my custom hotkeys. Then crashed again. Then reinstall. I think i did that 4 times. 2 for the latest version, and again for the previous versions (32/64bit). Assigning custom hotkeys seems iffy for Sigil. Opted for the portable versions instead. Tried alternatives. They suck.

Anyways, updates are here.

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